
Warehouse Sale!!!

This is where you want to be! Please put August 31 + September 1, 2024 in...

Warehouse Sale!!!

This is where you want to be! Please put August 31 + September 1, 2024 in your calendar! That weekend we will open the doors of our warehouse from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. All items in the warehouse have...

What tools do you need for model building?

Modeling is a fun hobby where you can create very different designs. For example, you have the option of making a famous building or a nice car. If you are still very new to this hobby, you may be wondering...

9 reasons why puzzles are good for you

Puzzling is an activity done by both young and old. It's a fun pastime that makes most people feel relaxed, but many people don't know that doing a puzzle is also good for you. So when a puzzle is so...

What paint do you use when modeling?

With so many different types of paint, the question is which one to use for your modeling. Let's say up front that you will almost never use all of the same kind when you get started with modeling, but some...

How do you make model water?

How do you make model water? If you are crazy about model building and want to create various landscapes, sooner or later you will face the challenge of fake model water. What at first glance appears to be a considerable...

What is the best modeling brand?

How do you recognize if you have quality in your hands? With so many different brands, people sometimes wonder what the best modeling brand actually is. Now there are a number of things to consider before we can answer this...

How do you start modeling?

You are tremendously excited to start modeling, but where do you start? That modeling is for you, you often notice very quickly. If you find joy in creating something yourself then it is for you. Most choose this hobby because...

Why is modeling good for you?

Many people do modeling because they are naturally interested in doing it. They don't dwell on why it's good for you. Still, it is smart to understand the benefits of modeling as a hobby. In fact, along the way you...

How do I apply weathering to my modeling?

How do I apply weathering to my modeling? There are several techniques you can use to make a model build lifelike and time-barred. The collective name of these techniques and methods is called weathering. But how do you put this...

How do I use an airbrush in modeling?

How do I use an airbrush in modeling? Did you just finish your beautiful Eco Wood Art or Ugears model building and want to give it some extra life? Then use an airbrush gun to add some color. This is...


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