Always discount:

With a minimum
amount of €20.

Valid only from 2 items


With a minimum
amount of €35.

Valid only from 2 items


With a minimum
amount of €50.

Valid only from 2 items


With a minimum
amount of €65.

Valid only from 2 items

Robotime Miniature House Becka’s Baking House DG161

Heyb jij that ook that your bij eand bakkerij full with soete, zalig gebakjes staat? That your bijafter just farzot becomet at the smakelijke soetighedand? Becomet then fan from Rolifes miniatuur huisyour Becka‘s Baking House. Thethem ongeloorlijke bakkerij heyeft the lekkerste soetigheid your ooit gezien heybt. The toonbank is gevuld with tallothem koekjes, snoepjes and croissantjes. There stto twee vitrines waarfrom heyle munvulland desserts and cakes afterar your atroepand. And natuurlijk kun your here ook freshgebakken wafels kopen and taarten uit eand vitrine. Het is tenslotte Binery & Dessert. Your kunt your favoriete gebakyour meandemen by eand pliers at pakken uit heyt rek… feast!

Rolife geeft your eand geweldig ervaring with heyt bouwen from eand bouwpakket! At dit pakket zitten 141 stuks those your samand with lijm kunt bouwen to eand bakkerijtyour from 21 pennyimeter hoog. There zhis ook veel kantandklare items, soas the croissantjes and eand gele rek with snoepjes. Your kunt ook ledfarlichting aansluitand. Geniet from thethem unieke uitdaging to at knutseland and thethem preightig bakkerij at creërun and bewunder the kleurrijke elementand als your eandmaal are gto bouwen. Thethem mayische ervaring laat your nog long geneietand.

Product afmetingen: 157 x 215 x 149 mm

Additional information


Modelbouw merken


Modelbouw collectie

Miniature houses

Modelbouw materiaal


Modelbouw doelgroep

Adults, Children

Modelbouw incl. lijm


Modelbouw incl. verf


Modelbouw lijm gebruiken


Modelbouw prijsklasse

Model building € 25 – € 50


2 in stock

Delivery time: In almost all cases, on weekdays ordered before 11:30 p.m., tomorrow at home. It is possible in some cases that due to circumstances, delivery may be delayed. If so, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery options: When completing the order, you will see which delivery option is available to you.

Robotime Miniature House Becka’s Baking House DG161

With a minimum
amount of €20.


With a minimum
amount of €35.


With a minimum
amount of €50.


With a minimum
amount of €65.

Always discount
365 days a year

Lightning-FAST! before 23:30
ordered, delivered tomorrow

One is none! With us
you always buy more

Secure ordering at a
trusted website

Robotime Miniature House Becka’s Baking House DG161


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