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Metal Earth James Webb Telescope

The James Webb telescope, launched Dec. 25, 2021, is a remarkable piece of technology. With its impressive size and unmatched power, this scope is a valuable addition for modelers. With a $10 billion price tag, this optical gem is specifically designed to collect light in the near-infrared wavelength range. This makes it possible to observe very distant objects. The space telescope even glimpses into the past up to 180 million years after the Big Bang, long before the first galaxies formed. Make your modeling projects even more spectacular with the addition of this unique replica!

Number of sheets: 2.75
Difficulty: Medium
Product dimensions in mm: 105 x 70 x 70

Additional information

Weight 70 g
Dimensions 169 × 121 × 3 mm

Modelbouw merken

Metal Earth

Modelbouw collectie


Modelbouw materiaal


Modelbouw doelgroep


Modelbouw incl. lijm


Modelbouw incl. verf


Modelbouw lijm gebruiken


Modelbouw mechanisch


Modelbouw prijsklasse

Model building € 10 – € 25


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Only 02 hours 35 to order, delivered tomorrow!

Delivery time: In almost all cases, on weekdays ordered before 11:30 p.m., tomorrow at home. It is possible in some cases that due to circumstances, delivery may be delayed. If so, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery options: When completing the order, you will see which delivery option is available to you.

Metal Earth James Webb Telescope

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Metal Earth James Webb Telescope
Only 02 hours 35 to order, delivered tomorrow!
