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Unidragon Mona Lisa

Discover a breathtaking work of art by Leonardo Da Vinci with numerous pieces of outstanding quality and extraordinary details. This puzzle offers a 3D texture that mimics the master’s technique. Using innovative technologies, Unidragon copied the unique colors, fading lines and tiny cracks, completely immersing you in the Italian Renaissance. The various pieces will introduce you to the artist’s hobbies and the history of his development. Discover more than 10 thematic pieces hidden in the picture: from the Vitruvian man to Da Vinci’s signature on fresco. You can even put together the name of the artwork using letter pieces! This puzzle comes in high-quality packaging: a lacquered wooden box with craft paper decorated with Da Vinci’s sketches and designs. Each box also comes with a small easel with a copy of the painting – a hint to help you put the puzzle together.

The puzzles are made of 3 mm thick, pressed HDF. This material is environmentally friendly, high quality and durable. When you finish putting it together, don’t put the puzzle back in the closet. Use it as an interior decoration! We have developed a special adhesive system for this purpose that assembles the puzzle and sticks it to the wall.

Additional information

Weight 1225 g
Dimensions 303 × 230 × 60 mm

Puzzels merken


Puzzels prijsklasse

€100 and above

Puzzels collectie


Puzzels doelgroep

Children, Adults

Puzzels leeftijd

12 Years and older

Puzzel aantal stukjes

1000 pieces

Puzzel formaat

One size


Out of stock

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Delivery time: In almost all cases, on weekdays ordered before 11:30 p.m., tomorrow at home. It is possible in some cases that due to circumstances, delivery may be delayed. If so, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery options: When completing the order, you will see which delivery option is available to you.

Unidragon Mona Lisa

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amount of €20.


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amount of €35.


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amount of €50.


With a minimum
amount of €65.

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Unidragon Mona Lisa


