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Valid only from 2 items

Jan van Haasteren – Summer Games Paris Special 1000 pieces

The Jan van Haasteren family dabbled in several sports during the Summer Games in Paris. Question remains: will any of them manage to emerge victorious amid all this confusion, or will they all be disqualified? The performance of the Summer Games in Paris is based on the puzzle Sportsday 2.

More durable puzzle!
This Jan van Haasteren puzzle is more sustainably produced. No more plastic bags or shrink wrap, but a new way of packaging. This product is made from 100% recycled cardboard and sustainably produced paper.

Product afmetingen: 680 x 490 x 2 mm

Additional information

Dimensions 367 × 273 × 63 mm

Puzzel aantal stukjes

1000 pieces

Puzzels collectie

Comic, Jan van Haasteren

Puzzels doelgroep

Children, Adults

Puzzels materiaal


Puzzels merken


Puzzels prijsklasse

€ 10 – € 25

Puzzels leeftijd

12 Years and older


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Delivery time: In almost all cases, on weekdays ordered before 11:30 p.m., tomorrow at home. It is possible in some cases that due to circumstances, delivery may be delayed. If so, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery options: When completing the order, you will see which delivery option is available to you.

Jan van Haasteren – Summer Games Paris Special 1000 pieces

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With a minimum
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Jan van Haasteren – Summer Games Paris Special 1000 pieces


