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Valid only from 2 items

Wasgij Mystery 26 – Date Night! 1000 pieces

It’s a hectic evening at the bistro on Valentine’s Day.
Couples celebrate love in their own unique way, while there is a line of people waiting at the door.
Orders pour in at a fast pace and in large numbers, while the kitchen does its best to keep up with everything. But beware! What if the waiter drops the lobster and crab dish?
Unlike other puzzles, in Wasgij you don’t recreate an image from the box but you have to use your own imagination to complete the puzzle plate.

More durable puzzle! This Wasgij puzzle is more sustainably produced. No more plastic bags or shrink wrap, but a new way of packaging. This product is made from 100% recycled cardboard.

Product afmetingen: 680 x 490 x 30 mm

Additional information

Weight 700 g
Dimensions 370 × 273 × 63 mm

Puzzels merken


Puzzels collectie

Comic, Wasgij

Puzzels doelgroep

Children, Adults

Puzzel aantal stukjes

1000 pieces

Puzzels materiaal


Puzzels leeftijd

12 Years and older

Puzzels prijsklasse

€ 10 – € 25


Out of stock

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Delivery time: In almost all cases, on weekdays ordered before 11:30 p.m., tomorrow at home. It is possible in some cases that due to circumstances, delivery may be delayed. If so, please feel free to contact us.

Delivery options: When completing the order, you will see which delivery option is available to you.

Wasgij Mystery 26 – Date Night! 1000 pieces

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With a minimum
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ordered, delivered tomorrow

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Wasgij Mystery 26 – Date Night! 1000 pieces


